Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Space Punch, Greenhouse Kits and a Hewn Crocodilian


Bonjour mes amis et ma famille! 

I hope every single one of you is doing good and are happy! I love you each very dearly!  

This week was pretty fire but before I start rattling off about greenhouse kits and a hewn crocodilian lets get to the people who really matter. 

First off Megan and Eric are so awesome! We moved the date of their baptism back to the 30th (which we had a deeper spiritual impression of anyway) and they are all for it! They both want to get baptized for the Lord and the Lord alone which makes me overjoyed! We have felt the Spirit so strongly with them and I rejoice deeply in my heart thinking and pondering about the joy and the continuous presence of the Holy Ghost which will be available to them after Baptism and Confirmation! I ask very solemnly and earnestly for each of you to keep them in your prayers as well! Megan had to go to the hospital. Eric being the studly man, husband, and father he is has been there every step of the way for her. She is going to get out Wednesday! Please pray that her tests will go well and for the doctors so they will be able to figure out what is the cause of her seizures. We love them so much!!! 

Secondly, Brother Arnold accepted our invitation to baptism! He will be getting baptized on February 20th! He has been going to church forever with Sister Arnold; his wife, who is a returned missionary! The joy we felt from them in their home was astounding! Sister Arnold was relieved and happy to see this day finally come! Brother Arnold is eager to keep learning and to partake of the blessings of being a member of the Lord's church!  

We have been superbly blessed by the Lord to be able to partake in these sacred experiences. I am so happy to be changing lives for the better with Him! 

I love each of you so much and I know the Lord loves each of you far more! Keep keeping covenants and reaping the bountiful blessings of His love! If you aren't then I would ask you to consider starting to do so because the Lord has many great gifts to lovingly give you!  

Till next time, love, Elder Habel 


(If you want to find out about the "stone gator, space punch, and the greenhouse kit keep reading)!


1) We drink only the finest of collectors’ beverages! Space punch is your one-way ticket if you like expired, distasteful, fruity energy drinks! Let's just say we have a lot of running jokes from this member "gift"!

2) Responding to FB comments is a one-way ticket to mental exhaustion. Trust me. I know. 

3) Ahh the greenhouse. We set it up for Sister Goodpasture. If you are curious how many missionaries it takes to finish a greenhouse kit we don't know. We do know however it takes 5 of us to get halfway done! Let's just say we are going back to finish on Tuesday. 

4) We've been sending pictures to Megan about what we've been doing as missionaries while she has been in the hospital; hence, the picture! 

5) The Continual Battle of Car

6) The famed Stone Alligator! This monument has made for some very memorable walks!

7) The Legends themselves (Eric and Elder Hawkins) in their trench coats!

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