Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Gifts, Drifts and The Big Game

Bonjour mes amis et ma famille! This week was good! I hope each of you had a great day and have a great day every day!

This week was good! We had a lot of good teaching opportunities! Cathy is feeling the Spirit strongly so that was awesome to see! We helped Clay Lozier burn some branches as well! We had a good conversation with him about what we believe and Clay enjoyed it! We hope we can help him progress!

Some really good memories this week came from; once again, the legends themselves: Megan and Eric Treml! We went over to their house on Monday night to give Megan a blessing and they, in turn, gave us gifts they had been waiting to give us for a while! They first had gotten Elder Finch; get this, a Lord of the Rings music box! If you know me at all you'll know my jealousy levels skyrocketed as soon as I saw and heard it! If you are wondering if I fought elder finch for it don't be alarmed, I didn't (thankfully haha) because Megan and Eric got Elder Hawkins and me something super cool as well! When we first had met Megan while doing service elder Hawkins wore a shirt that said: "Life is better in Tahiti". Megan noticed it and took sarcastic offense to it to be funny! Little did we know after that experience she had been making t-shirts for us to get back at the little quip on the t-shirt! What first had started as a jab back at Tahiti ended up being a gift to us after the baptism! I included a picture of them in the email and I'll let you go see what she put on them! That whole night was really special not only because of those special gifts but because of how happy they looked with the Spirit in their lives!

Another memory from this week was that Elder Hawkins had to unexpectedly leave our trio! We found out the news while we were on exchanges with Elder Loesh! It stung at first but after I found out he is going to be a district leader where he is now going I was happy for him! He is going to be a great district leader! I will forever cherish the man, the myth, the legend mon pere: Elder Hawkins. He made this first part of my mission very memorable and he will continue to be my friend forever! He left yesterday after we exchanged at Arrowhead Stadium at 11 pm when it was 5 degrees out. Let's just say we had a lot of fun Tokyo drifting in the empty and iced-over parking lot, haha.


Speaking of the Super Bowl, wasn't that a disappointment (game-wise)! We were very lucky to be able to watch it with the Pynes, the Tremls, and the Summers (they are nonmember friends of the Pynes, we got their numbers and hopefully we will be able to set up an appointment the next time we are with them)! While the game was hard to watch it definitely wasn't very hard to have good laughs and memories with all of those there! Goes to show that we make the most out of our situations! 

Well, I love each and every one of you! I hope you all find peace and happiness with the Savior! No matter what happens we can rely on our Savior! 

Au revior et a bientot! Je vous aime toutes les mondes! Love, Elder Habel

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