Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Miracles in the Frozen Midwest

Bonjour ma famille et mes amis!

I hope each of you is doing good things and are receiving the love and kindness you deserve! It's been really cold over here but the frigidness hasn't stopped the Lord from performing miracles! And boy was this week full of miracles! 

We were able to start teaching Annie Allen and Arnold Hammond! We had gone with Brother Pyne to drop off a Book of Mormon to Annie and when we arrived we were able to teach her and her friend Arnold! It was really cool! 

We also were able to teach Kiran the Restoration. He is a very kind man who had moved here from India about 2 years ago.  I had talked to him via FB messenger and we decided to meet him where he works: Baskin-Robbins! So there we were in a barren Baskin-Robbins in the middle of negative degree weather, teaching Kiran about the Restoration! He took to it well and he wanted to go to church! He gave us free ice cream which was awesome! We definitely didn't just chill outside and eat the ice cream is all I'll leave that to say! 

We then had a cool experience with Vonda who just called us out of the blue while we were weekly planning! The Lord definitely directed her to us! We are now her "dudes", haha and she is our "mission mom"! She is very spiritual and service-oriented so that's how we connected at first. We are her friends especially when it comes to spiritual matters because she doesn't have anyone to share her thoughts with.

We also had lunch with Chris Thomas and we grew our friendship even deeper! We were able to go over to his house and give him a priesthood blessing. We had a blast getting to know Emily better! Their kids have my heart and the Thomas family have all of my love! BrosR4Ever!!!

We had an amazing experience when some Elders in Chicago referred us to someone in our area who is on schedule to be baptized! Her name is Lydia Kahassai! She is awesome and yearns for the Spirit desperately and genuinely! The best and most joyous thought is knowing you can point someone to the source of their spiritual relief and fulfillment! 

Lastly, the greatest miracle the Lord provided was my companion Elder Finch! He and I have been able to work so hard together! He loves the people deeply, he teaches powerfully, and he can always make others smile! I am so blessed to serve alongside such a studly legend! I miss Elder Hawkins greatly but Elder Finch has been able to swallow that sorrow up in his joy and his work ethic! I deeply and full-heartedly know him to be a true, strong, and capable Elder of Israel! 

Well, I love you all and I know the Lord God loves you infinitely more! Keep going! You got this! God is greater!

Love, Elder Habel 

P.S. This is what eating at the member's houses looks like during Covid-19 times. 

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