Thursday, February 25, 2021

Miracles & Mercy

Bonjour mes amis et ma famille! I hope each of you feels our Savior's love often! I pray each of you can help others feel the Savior's love always!

You might be wondering, "What was Elder Habel up to this week? Was he productive or did he have some more adventures?" I'm happy to say that I was able to do both!

This week was full of miracles from the Lord! We had some amazing and powerful spiritual experiences with Liydia! We were able to do a scripture study with her and the Munoz family! We had a special experience touring the church with the Meades and Brother Farnsworth! We met with her and the Meades as well! She then was able to join us at church and she really enjoyed the Spirit there and in all of our experiences! Liydia is such an amazing person!

We also had the opportunity to set a baptismal date with Brooke!!! She actually told us she wanted to be baptized!! We were discussing the new member lessons when she did so and the Spirit was so powerful that I couldn't stop smiling out of pure joy and charity towards the Tremls and our God! How great is His mercy! How deep and of fine making are His ways! I am so happy the Tremls want to be united as an eternal family in the arms of the love of our Savior! 

We also were able to invite Arnold Hammond to be baptized as well! We were teaching him about the Lord's Restoration of His Church when we expressed the experience of the First Vision! The Spirit was so powerful no one could talk, no one could speak for minutes. I am so happy Arnold wants to be baptized and we will work hard to help him do so for His Savior and His Heavenly Father! 

Transfers were this week as well on Thursday! Elder Finch and I knew we were getting a third ami so we were excited heading to Independence where the exchanging of companions was happening! Sadly, I had to say goodbye to Elder Miller who is truly a friend in the purest sense. To all you Marley Crik members out there know we have some good times still coming! We were able to pick up Elder Smith and after a crazy series of events Elder Finch had to leave and Elder Ahio came in his stead. It was very sudden and sad to lose Elder Finch. He truly helped me be a better missionary and I will miss him greatly! I love you Elder Finch! 


The crowning event of this week though was having the great privilege and astounding blessing of witnessing Brother Brent  Arnold's baptism! I was able to baptize him and the joy we felt together was awesome! We gave each other the biggest hug! Being there for Brother Arnold helped me feel the Spirit so strongly! 


So as you can see the Lord blessed us with many miracles because of His mercy and love towards our efforts and His people! I love each of you very dearly and deeply! Keep going! Your efforts are seen by the Lord! He will fulfill His will! He loves you! As so do I!

Love, Elder Habel 

(I'm going to Africa on March 4th!)

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