Tuesday, March 9, 2021

3 Continents in 2 Days; an Epic Journey

Bonjour ma famillee et mes amis!  

I hope each of you had a very fantastic week full of adventures, good laughs, and smiles! As you might have heard I had the blessing to go to Brazzaville, Republic of Congo this week!

Sadly, that also means I had to say goodbye to everyone I could in Liberty! Truly the Lord has governed where I have been for a reason. The people of Liberty prepared me with their love and encouragement! They have more than helped me become the missionary I needed to be to be ready for the Congo!



To the trio, the Bois, the Campbells (outside of Salt Grass Steakhouse), the Tremls, Elder La, Elder Probasco, Elder Owens, Elder Decker, Elder Miller, Lidiya, the Arnolds, the Pynes, and President and Sister Ames...thank you for everything! Love, Elder Habel's mom

The flight over here was full of good times, slow times, and some pretty fun adventures! After flying to Atlanta (which is a fat airport I would like to say. It's a miracle I didn't get lost) Elder Olsen and I met up with the other Elders who would fly with us to Paris and on to Brazzaville. Nine of us flew together, myself and Elders Fuller, Olsen, Ah Loe, Neilsen, Rodriguez, Huff, Parry, and Lucas! We had a lot of fun going through customs, flying together, and just hanging out along the way! We arrived in Brazzaville at 11pm Brazza time after flying through Atlanta, Paris, and Kinshasa. We were all super tired and just wanted to go to sleep. President Magre dropped us off at an apartment where we would spend the weekend with Elder Mayenga and Elder Mvoula who are doing their "home MTC". They were super nice in taking care of us and they have been treating us super well! The best part has been the franglais charades that we use to communicate! I love the Congo so much! The people here have been kind and welcoming! It's been very warm and humid but I don't mind that at all. The apartment and food have been good as well! 

A snack of peanut butter baguettes and hot chocolate 

                Passion fruit juice

                                Dinner; Fu fu, fish, and these weird fruits that tasted like spicy guacamole. 

My favorite memories here so far have been the people for sure! We had an adventure going through the Market to get food! I had a lot of fun and laughs using the French I know...which means I said "Bonjour" a lot! Walking around with a smile through the bustling and vibrant market is a memory I will always cherish. The best was talking with some little kids, making them laugh and playing rock paper scissors with them!

Another cool experience was doing the Sacrament in French and English! Elder Mayenga and Elder Mvoula are learning English for their mission to Ghana so hence the franglais charades and doing the Sacrament in both languages! We sang songs and did the Sacrament in French which was super powerful and humbling. Probably one of the most joyous spiritual experiences I've ever had. 

Overall, I am extremely grateful for each person I have been able to show charity to and each of you who have shown the same charity to me. I love the people here. The people who I love in Liberty inspire me to give my all for these people. I love them. I will do all I can for them to receive the Kingdom of God. I'll even learn french for them haha!

Know each of you has profoundly touched my life with your kindness and charity. May we strive to love with the pure love of Christ! 

Charity changes lives.

I know your charity has already changed mine :)!

Love, Elder Habel 

(PS: I love receiving responses! I'm going to strive my best to respond back!)

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