Monday, March 15, 2021

Something out of Nothing

 Bonjour dès L'Afrique mes amis et ma famille! J'espère vous tous eu de très bonnes semaines! 

This week was really cool and exhausting mentally! My French is not the best so not being able to be understood or comprehend most conversations has been interesting. However, the week was good despite my incapabilities! The people here are truly willing to let God prevail in their lives! People come up to us and ask for our information instead of the other way around! It really is the work of God!
As for adventures, I'll keep it to one experience which I think at least is cool and funny! So earlier in the week we went to go get pictures for Elder Konan (my new companion) at this boutique. This was Elder Huff's and my first day out in the sector really so our French (or at least mine) was terrible. So while we were waiting for Elder Konan this dude walked up to us and asked us what church we belong to and something about prayer (as I pieced together). I started to respond with our beliefs about prayer and "nous sommes missionaries pour..." All I got back was a confused smile. Apparently, he had asked about where our church was not about prayer at all. Funny! Elder Konan started talking to him and was able to salvage the conversation! He set up an appointment with us for later in the week. Well after a couple of days it was time for us to go visit the man! The cool part was I was able to ask him a question and he responded without a moment's hesitation! I was also able to teach him that God is our loving Heavenly Father! Goes to show God can make something out of nothing! The Gift of Tongues est vraie!

Well, I hope each of you has a wonderful week and know God loves you individually! 

Love, Elder Habel 
Sunset in Brazza

Elder Konan, Elder Huff and Elder Misaka

Some really good chocolate candy

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