Monday, March 29, 2021

"Must" moments

 Bonjour tout le monde! Well, it's been an exciting couple of weeks here in the Congo! There was an election that shook things up so that's why I wasn't really able to say a lot last week!

We had a lot of good lessons with nos amis this week! We have a lot of people the Lord has provided for our care! We will be having some baptisms here in the next coming weeks so that will be amazing to witness some of our dear friends partake in that joy!

The Language is coming petit à petit! It's definitely already been a humbling experience but I have seen and have been supported by the hand of the Lord here. Every time I get called "cheenwa" or speak in gibberish instead of French (both of which have happened many times), I have had a sacred learning experience or revelation from God with my friends here!

As always you have my compassion and love! I hope you each have a fantastic day every day! If you are in a "must" moment keep pushing forward. The Lord has provided the way to conquer those tough moments in life! Jesus Christ; His Atonement, and His teachings, His Gospel is the way!!

Till next time, à bientôt et je t'aime! --- Elder Habel

1) "Bébé foot" ou Foosball au zoo!

2, 4, 5) Le zoo

3, 6, 7) Casino is a super nice supermarché where we got pizza!

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