Sunday, April 4, 2021

A Tag in the Well, and other baptismal adventures

Bonjour tout le monde! Salut mes amis at ma famille! J'espère vous êtes tous allez trés bien! Je sais que Dieu nous aime et Il veut le meilleur pour vous dans vos vies!

(Hello everybody! Hi, my friends and family! I hope you are all doing very well! I know God loves us and He wants the best for you in your lives!)

This week was pretty good here in the Congo. We had a lot of rendez-vous avec nos amis! All the people we meet with are very willing to let God Prevail in their lives! I am very grateful for each and every single one of them. Je eux aime! (I love them!) 

As for the language let's just say the power of prayer and the Gift of Tongues is very real! I have improved and grown bit by bit out here. Je suis très reconnaissant pour les bénédictions de notre Dieu qui est notre Père Céleste! I am very grateful for the blessings of our God who is our Heavenly Father! 

We also had the opportunity to baptize Soeur Cécilia this past Sunday! We didn't have enough water so we filled the font up with well water! We took the well water to the font using a lot of buckets! A lot of the young men helped us out! Sadly while I was reaching into the well to fill up a bucket of water my tag fell off into the well and sank to the bottom! So yeah that happened but that honestly was more funny than anything else. We were able to fill up the font a reasonable amount. I then had the special opportunity to baptize Soeur Cécilia! I was able to offer the prayer correctly (I know absolutely shocking, right?) but this time it took a couple times to make sure she was completely immersed when I baptized her. It was actually pretty cool reflecting upon it. She basically went as straight as a pole going into the water so I basically had to straddle my leg across her legs to make sure they didn't come up and then I had to shove her all the way down. It was like she was doing the belly float lol. However, I say it was cool because just like our Savior took up new life once before, our friend Soeur Cécilia was able to do the same. I always had the mental image of Jesus Christ being raised up from the dead lying down flat to standing up straight. Now I've been able to experience a similitude of such in real life. Also, the men's room didn't have any light for me to change in so that was interesting trying to get back into my regular clothes in total darkness. All in all baptisms over here are cool, crazy, and filled crazy strongly with the Spirit!

Also, I am very thankful for our Savior Jesus Christ, His Church, and His Apostles and Prophets. Seeing that Conference, Easter, and Soeur Cécilia's baptism all were aligned for today! I know He lives! His Atonement is real and powerful! He is mighty to save! I know we will be resurrected because He was! I know this is His church (His organization of love for His disciples) in the latter days! I know He has blessed us with Prophets and Apostles today! He is the Living God!

Avec tout mon amour, Elder Habel 

(With all my love, Elder Habel)

About the pictures

1) One of the funniest things I've ever seen here. A three-wheeled moto stylo is driven by what must have been at least an eighty-year-old grandma. She was hauling too. I was lucky to get the picture.

2) Frère Bidier is wearing the fortis shirt! He is one of our friends! He is a great guy and has really taken ahold of the Gospel!

3) Just a really random and funny picture I found walking around sector one day. All of the shop signs for the boulangeries, the car shops, the hair cut salons, and the boutiques are paintings above the door of the building. I am amazed at how good the people here are at painting. I have seen some very life-like ones. 

4) Ahh...I sure do love herbal toothpaste. Bet you've never seen that before. I hope you haven't had to use it before either. 

5) Les Soeur dans notre paroisse avec nous. (The Sisters in our ward with us.)

6-7) Les seaux des eaux. (The Buckets of Water)

8) Tout le monde avec Soeur Cécilia! (Everyone with Soeur Cécilia.)

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