Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Improving Encore et ce Progresse Chaque Jour

Bonjour tout les monde! J'espère vous êtes très content et chaque autres de vous est trouver joie dans votre vie! Hello everyone! I hope you are very happy and that each of you will find joy in your life!

This week we once again had many great experiences with nos amis (our friends!)! Frère (Brother) Junior has absorbed everything we have taught him deep into his soul! Frère Bidier is progressing as well! Every person we teach loves the good Word we preach! Most already have a testimony which is amazing! The Spirit of the Lord is working miracles. Elder Konan and I are très reconnaissant pour chaques bénédictions des Dieu (very grateful for every blessing from God). My language is improving encore et ce progresse chaque jour (still improving and progressing every day!)

I was also able to listen to a couple Conference Générale talks which were amazing! What wonderful gifts modern-day Prophets, Apostles, and Revelation are! I am extremely grateful for the Lord blessing us to live in times like these! There will be always more of the word of Christ to feast upon!

I find it special God has always made Himself known to His children if they would be willing to look! We are blessed to have so much of the Word of God! We will never run out!

Know that I love each and every single one of you. God is real. More real than you think. 

Till next time, Adieu! ---- Elder Habel 

1) Mama Gorreti et sa famille (and her family!! Nous ensienons la famille!  We keep the family together!

2) The BEFORE shot of my haircut 

3) The AFTER shot of my haircut

4) Nous avons fait les pommes de terre dans mashed potatoes (We made the potatoes into mashed potatoes! We had to use a spatula and a fufu stick to mash them though.

5) A one-legged chicken. Des autres pictures bizarre!

6) Frère Junior! Il est très spiritual! (He is very spiritual!)

7) Une orange 

8) Les ciel et les nuages (The sky and the clouds)

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