Tuesday, April 20, 2021


Bonjour toutes les monde! Salut mes amis et ma famille!  J'espère chaque un de vous avez eu bonne semaine! 

Hello everyone! Hi, my friends and family! Hope each of you had a good week!

We had a weirder than usual week over here in the Congo. My collègue Elder Konan got malaria this week so that kept us indoors for a large chunk of our time. We were able to help Frère Bidier be baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ! Once again I stand all amazed at how powerfully the Gospel of Jesus Christ, His love and the Holy Ghost can change lives and souls for the better! 

We also had a zone conference which was awesome and bizarre in itself. We were thirty minutes late which knowing my previous record with zone conferences didn't come as a surprise at all. The thoughts and ideas from the zone conference were super good! I especially liked the thought of 2 Timothy 4:7

 "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith."

The good fight is to keep the faith that is centered in Jesus Christ. Keep the faith, grow the faith. 
Also from zone conference, there were these sandwiches which were so good they almost made me weep with joy! I savored every bite of the multilayered, meat-stuffed, veggie-filled, french bread sandwich. 

Also after an epically good mangé-vous (where I ate this super hot pepper in one bite which was...let's just say fun, I definitely was sweating a bit more than I usually do haha) we went to this music studio and jammed out. It was pretty epic.

As you can tell the mission is fun, hard, and overall more than worth it! I'm extremely grateful for chaque experience ici! (every experience here!) The Lord's hand is everywhere! You just have to look!

Adieu avec tout mon amour, (Farewell with all my love,) Elder Habel 

Frère Bidier looking angelic at his baptism!


Les Frites  (French fries)

 A soundboard place of one of the members! We had a lot of fun!


Le Bureau de Mission (The Mission Office)


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