Thursday, May 13, 2021

Taxi man and the police

Bonjour tout le monde! Mbote nabino! I hope every one of you had a fabulous week! I hope each of you is finding peace and plenty of smiles during each of your days! God wants you to find them!

This week was good! As always the Lord provides us with many spectacular people to teach His Gospel to! We are preparing for the baptisms of Frère Evertone, Soeur Moisette, Soeur Juliana, and Sœur Patricia! Please keep them in your prayers so they can continue to grow their testimonies. Also if you could keep Frère Chance in your prayers as well I will be grateful. He has been really sick this week. 

As for an adventure, I have two. One which was fun and one which I feel lead to share.

The fun one was we were in the taxi one day going towards another Rendez-vous like usual. The only bizarre thing was the police were cracking down more than usual on the inconsistent covid rules over here. We had seen a dude get his motorcycle confiscated by these policemen decked out with AKs already (all of us threw our masks on like people scrambling to put on their oxygen masks on an airplane crashing after we saw that haha). Quite a bit of a line had built up as the police checked out each taxi going by. I was hoping they wouldn't stop us. Then they told us to get out of the car. We all had our masks on so I had no idea why. The Indiana Jones theme song started playing in my head which wasn't totally reassuring as we shuffled out of a taxi in a foreign country, speaking a different language, facing a well-armed policeman. Just when it looked like they were going to talk to us they hopped in the taxi. Phew, for us, but I'm pretty sure the taxi man had to cough up some money. We were fine and I didn't have to fight any policemen like Indiana Jones so I was grateful for that haha. 

The more important story is Soeur Moisette. We taught Soeur Moisette all about prayer and how we need to pray often for our well-being. When we asked her who she wanted to choose to say the prayer she volunteered herself. That made my day. Seeing that "click" for her was amazing! Seeing testimonies grow is a blessing and brings joy. We should all seek to help others grow their testimonies of our Father in Heaven!

Well, I love each and every single one of you! I'm always striving to be my best because of the love and the prayers you have shown me! Till next time:

Love, Elder Habel 




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