Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Music Boxes and Gospel Basics

Bonjour tout le monde! J'espère vous tous avoir une bonne semaine! Je vous aime tous! (Hello everybody! Hope you all have a good week! I love you all!)

This week was good like always! Elder Konan had his Anniversaire (Birthday) this week so that was fun! I got out my music box for the special occasion and he loved the little happy birthday tune it played! We went to a restaurant called "Chez Bolingo"! The pizza was pretty good but the sodas were by far the best! They were in the big classic glass bottles which were super cool! The view of Kinshasa was spectacular as well! We then took pictures at the Light Bridge. It was funny because as soon as we arrived the power went out haha! Overall Elder Konan had a good birthday! It was a very memorable day! 

As for the state of the Lord's work here, the Spirit still marches onward, ever onward. The Lord prepared a lot of people for us to be able to contact this week! Every day I am a witness to the miracles of the Lord!

My favorite memory from this week was with Soeur Juliana. We arrived at her place for a lesson and she said she didn't feel ready for baptism. Her older sister (who's already a member) was distressed by this. The miracle here was we were able to point Soeur Juliana towards the Lord. I remember beginning to speak and not knowing what to say especially in French for that matter. I prayed she would feel the love of the Lord and be able to see His hand. I ended up speaking about conversion. It's okay if we don't know everything now. It's good that we reflect upon our readiness. The Lord put words in my mouth. I am forever grateful for His mercy.

It helped! We taught her the Plan of Salvation and then the next day about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She is going to be baptized on the 15th of May! Her sister bore a heartfelt testimony about being a member during the middle of one of our lessons. She was truly inspired by Heaven to raise up her voice and to testify of Jesus Christ! The breathtaking joy I felt seeing her attend church was confirmation to my soul! 

Also, Frère Junior (who's only been a member for 2 weeks) got up in Sacrament meeting and bore his testimony. He truly has been changed in the deepest depths of his soul by the Hand of our Savior. His testimony was so spiritually moving the next member who bore their testimony basically bore their testimony about Frère Junior and his testimony haha!

I want to thank each of you for making my life a blessed one. I will always strive to be thankful and diligent to the Lord. I am thankful for you and your love that you have shown to me!

Sincerely, Elder Habel 

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