Thursday, July 22, 2021

Mpaka 2 et Elder Matak

Bonjour et soyez le bienvenue! Ma famille et mes amis: savez que vous êtes aimé et que Dieu se soucie de toi toujours (Hello and welcome! My family and friends: know you are loved and that God always cares about you)!

This week was exciting! I received a new area and a new collège: Mpaka 2 et Elder Matak! On the trip to Mpaka 2, I was finally able to meet Elder Winward (my MTC collègue) for the first time in real life! Talk about divine timing! He is going to do great things in Brazzaville. Better get ready to take notes about how Elder Winward just worked so hard and brought so many people to Christ at the next Conférénce General haha. I know I've got my pen and paper at the ready right here!

Elder Matak is literally the most humble, friendly, charity-filled, and Spirit-guided Elder I have ever had the chance to meet! I am absolutely honored to call him my collège! He laughs at my jokes, gives me confidence with my french, and works hard with me! Ah! I have been blessed once again with another wonderful collègue.

Mpaka 2 is organized, fun, and filled with missionaries and missionary opportunities! We have 12 ward missionaries that we will be working with soon. We have seen many miracles as we have walked and served others on the sandy streets of Mpaka! 

I got to laver les habilles par mes mains cette semaine (wash clothes with my hands this week)! We surprised our one and only spectacular Mama Olga by washing her clothes for her! 

A cool miracle was with Frère Steve! He is the son of Mama Verro. He was very sick with Malaria when we arrived to teach him, so we tried to let him rest but he refused. "Il vous faut nessaiçaire vous m'ensiegner L'Évangile." ("You must try to teach me The Gospel.") Wow! We taught him the Gospel of Jesus Christ right then and there. We gave him a priesthood blessing after we had finished the leçon. We then came back a couple days later and he bore testimony about how the blessing l'a aidé beaucoup (helped him a lot)

L'Évangile du Christ est vraie. Le pouvoir et l'autorité de Dieu est sur la terre actuellment. (The gospel of Christ is true. The power and authority of God is on the earth today.)

Je vous aime beacoup (I love you very much)! Tell me if there is anything I can keep in my prayers for you. Vous êtes aimé et viellé par notre Père Céleste. (You are loved by our Heavenly Father). Nalingi yo! (I love you!)

Avec sincérité et amour (With sincerity and love), Elder Habel :)









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