Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Point Noire

Bonjour tout le monde! Je vous souhaite que vous soyez dans la joie toujours! J'espère que pendant chaque moment de votre vie vous pourrez se sentir aimé, heureux, et à la paix (Hello everyone! I wish you will be in joy always! I hope that during every moment of your life you can feel loved, happy, and at peace)!

Cette semaine s'est bien passé (This week went well!) We set some good goals this week and by His Grace, we were able to see miracles happen and improve our area greatly! The Lord answers prayers that's for sure! 

We visited un lac qui était très beau (We visited a lake which was very beautiful)! We went through a part of Point Noire s'appelle ("Aux villages"). Very poor. Beautiful, inspiring, and moving. Look around and count your blessings; you will be happy. Things could always be worse. Remember who can save you and you will always have peace.

Frère Loïck was baptized and it was wonderful to see him warmly integrated into the ward! On the day of his baptism, there was confusion about what building we were going to use because our font was broken. Despite all of that, in an answer to the prayers of Elder Matak and me, the baptism went well!

Also, apparently, the people here eat a little of everything haha! Or at least Elder Kinona eats a little of everything! We were talking as I cooked dinner about how nothing was off the menu for them! That was a crazy conversation to have in french lol but it just goes to show how your prayers have blessed me. French is a beautiful language. I am still working on it. 

Well, that was my week. Yeesh, time is flying by too fast. I love you. You are divine; no matter what life may tell you. You have a purpose, a grand one at that. Go kill it this week and conquer each day! Vous êtes formidable et extrodinaire (You are wonderful and extraordinary)!

Avec assurance et sincerité (With assurance and sincerity), Elder Habel




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