Thursday, August 5, 2021

Dutch Oven Cakes

Salut, bonjour, et soyez le bienvenue tout le monde (Hi, hello, and welcome everyone)! I hope you all had a good week: full of success, happiness et growth!


We had a good week here! We did some service and teaching with Sœur Claude, Sœur Croyance, Frère Dieuviele, Frère Rohdy, et Frère Dieudolph! Frère Steve got baptized this week which was absolutely wonderful! I had the blessing to baptize him which was really cool! Quelle joie (What joy)! The funny thing was I really wasn't expecting to baptize him so I didn't bring an extra shirt or anything. Luckily my companion had a shirt for me to wear but let's just say that was a little...tight, haha. 




Also, I finally made some fufu so that was fun! In the dark. With no power or water. Let's just say I'm grateful for the experience and I will be thrilled every time I can cook with the power on, dorévenant.


But can I just say the people here are dope! La mama de Sœur Croyance was making a cake dutch oven style! How awesome is that! No power, no water, no gas, and this angel of a person made a cake! 

These people are brilliant!

Just like you! 
If there is anything I can keep in my prayers just tell me. I love you all and I appreciate the support you give me greatly! 

Avec sincérité et amour (With sincerity and love), Elder Habel







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