Thursday, August 12, 2021

"Cette Barber"

Bonjour à tous, soyez le bienvenue et soyez à l'aise (Hello everyone, welcome and be comfortable)! I hope you all had a week as fantastic as you all are!


This week in Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo:

Apparently Elder Habel a une barbe (has a beard). Cette barber (This beard) was very noticeable to a certain little Sœur Luna. One day we were teaching Sœur Luna and every time I spoke she just couldn't stop laughing! I would take a breath and her smile would burst like a dam into laughter. Was it my french? Was it my accent? Did I say something wrong? Je me suis demandé tout ces choses jusqu'au je me suis regardé dans le mirroir. Et puis, je l'ai vu. (I wondered all these things until I looked at myself in the mirror. And then I saw him.) The saddest looking beard in all of Africa. Et puis mon collègue me l'a dit:  elle riait à votre barbe haha (And then my companion told me, "she was laughing at your beard" haha)! Let's just say I quickly shaved that horrendous thing off, haha.

My french has been tested this week. Explaining the law of chastity, in-depth, to 10-year-olds pushed my french to its limit. Glad there were other french speakers there haha. Then trying to explain in french why not to say certain swearwords was another hard-fought but well-earned victory!

We did a lot of contacting, a lot of teaching, and a lot of service this week. Pushing wheelbarrows full of sand, cutting wood (I'm sad to say that a grandma can cut wood better than me.), and washing dishes was a pleasure to do for the people here! 



All in all the Lord used us as His instruments to bring joy, happiness, peace, and healing to His children. Quelle vie! Quelle bénédiction! Quel miracle (What a life! What a blessing! What a miracle)! 

I would exhort you all to be happy and at ultimate peace by following the perfect example of Christ in loving God and His children, and by keeping His commandments. 

I love you. Each of you. Know He loves you more. Always more.

Have a good week and go kill it! (Just please don't literally kill it whatever it is...don't want to inspire any crimes like that haha)!

Hope you're smiling now after all that, love, Elder Habel


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