Tuesday, March 22, 2022

"No none at all...just a tiny bit!"

Bonjour bonjour bonjour!

How are you all doing? It's good to talk to you again! As you know I hope deeply that you are happy, safe, and in good health! 

This week we had:

1)  zone conference (with matching ties and dresses; shout out to unity)!
2) a run-in with a good old friend called Malaria.
3) An epic baptismal service for our friends which was full of miracles and joy! 

Sure, was it easy being sick? No. Did the Lord answer my prayers and help me get better? Yes! 

One epic sequence from the hospital:
"So you're saying I have malaria?"
"No none at all...just a tiny bit!"
"Wait, so I do or I don't?"
Feel free to repeat those 3 phrases 3 or 5 times with an ever-mounting level of confusion and hysteria and you'll get the gist of our conversation. It was pretty funny and thankfully the Lord sent another doctor in who reminded the other one that I'm a "Mundelé" thus a little bit is something we have to take care of haha. 

In a more spiritual sense this week I learned patience and forgiveness are the best ways to express the mercy and love of the Savoir. Yes, it is difficult but like with all things that concern Christ the blessings far outweigh the price!

I invite you, each of you to come unto Christ this week (Moroni 10:32-33). He will take your pains, sufferings, and sins and turn them into exalting balms of His love and mercy! Have a good week and enjoy the pictures!  I truly am grateful to each of you and the essential role you each have played in my life! Remember to love God, your neighbor, and yourself!

Love, Elder Habel

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