Tuesday, March 29, 2022

A Frankenstein Chair, A Haircut, and A Fashion Show

Bonjour, Mboté, and hello to each and every one of you!

Kolélé? How are you doing?

Bien quoi! Doing good I sure do hope!

This week was one for the record books! We had miracles, we had power outages, we even had a Frankenstein chair! Don't leave out the fact I finally got a haircut and that Elder Kabala had a French-style fashion runway show! 

What made this week so special was the power of prayer and our loving Heavenly Father. We were able to invite two of our friends to follow The Savior and be baptized on the 17 of April: Fr. Willy and Fr. Loza! Fr. Loza was feeling a little nervous about being baptized so, what did Heavenly Father do? Oh, He just sent 2 of His studs, Président Arcy and Fr. Mardoché to go and become his friends and be his examples of overcoming fear! Then, what made it all even better was when Heavenly Father poured out blessings upon our heads when Fr. Loza, Fr Willy, and a ton of unexpected friends come to church! Heavenly Father loves us and He answers our prayers! He wants to do so for you in every moment! Have faith, hope, charity, and humility all centered on Christ! The miracles will come! 

Speaking of miracles, I have to give a shout-out to our mission this month. We all have worked really hard this month and the Lord blessed us to be His instruments! We helped 128 children of our Heavenly Father make covenants with Him and to their Savior Jésus Christ! 

To close I would like to just remind each and every one of you and testify to you that Jésus Christ lives, He is worthy of faith as our Savior, Redeemer, and our Healer. Come unto Him by acting upon your faith, hope, and charity in Him! I hope you each have the chance to feel His presence in your life!

Avec amour, Elder Habel

1 comment:

  1. Your blogs are always so uplifting. Thank you for the dialog, photos, inspiration, beauty, love. Love, Bro and Sis Davis
