Sunday, April 10, 2022


As you can tell by the title a lot of cool things happened this week! 

So I hope you are each doing well and I sure do love and miss you, each and every one of you.

1) We had zone council which was really uniting, inspiring, and useful! We were led by the Spirit to express our love, appreciation, and hopes for our missionaries centered in Christ! We played Kahoot as well which was really fun! You would find it very heartwarming to see how much our African Elders and Sisters have loved Kahoot! What's not surprising at all is the miracles that have come to us by our faith in Christ. Truly it was a happy moment spent together!

Secondly this week we had a fun family history activity with our new converts! It's awesome to know that the joy of family can be spread out even to more generations thanks to these tools the Savior has brought to us in our day! I love the joy I have "en remémorant" about those who have preceded us and about the hope of those who will follow us by continuing the Legacy of Christ.  

We also woke up this morning to the news that a temple will be built here in Brazzaville! When I figured out this joyous news I can't even describe to you how much joy, relief, and confirming assurance this news gave me! Faith in Jesus Christ as our compassionate big brother, our Savior, and Our Redeemer truly does work miracles in our lives and our hearts! I can't wait to come back here for the dedication of the temple and to go with these dearly beloved souls, my friends, to the House of The Lord Almighty! I am deeply and happily grateful for this blessing of grandiose that the Lord has given to us! 

On this Pday we also had a zone activity at the beach which was really cool! Very peaceful...until a drunk man came up trying to convince us that he was a government worker trying to kick us off! Elder Nyembe even brought chess which was once again an answer to my prayers! Nothing is more peaceful and focus refining than playing chess on the beach of the Congo River! Well, besides loving like Christ that is. 

I loved what was said in General Conférence. Jesus is the Christ. He lives. He loves you. He will fight your battles with you. I promise He is willing to do whatever it takes to save you and your loved ones from whatever the challenge might be from the adversary.  I have seen His grace and His love change my heart and the hearts of others! So let us follow Him in His work by bringing others unto His healing and refining love and grace. Missionary work is the expression of Christ's love. It is the accomplishment of the two great commandments of love. May we all love as He loves us. We will be our happiest as we follow in His footsteps. 

I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for your love, and your support. Thank you for who you are. 

Avec amour, Elder Habel

PS) I hope you enjoy the photos of the Electro-Spider-Chicken. Ah, what a wonderful world.



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