Saturday, April 16, 2022

A New Zone

Well, mboté everyone! I hope you are each having some amazing spiritually thrilling and edifying experiences every moment in your life! This week we had a run-in with...

A puppy, a cat, a chicken, a bird, and some wonderful souls in Nzoko! 

Above all the most unexpected adventure was this here: I got transferred! I am going to open a new "Frankenstein" zone. Why Frankenstein? Because he's my American companion who's gonna help me! I will admit it has been a little strange. He tends "to lose his mind" now and again. 

Bad dap doosh! *cymbals crashing together. Eder Habel laughs but everyone stays absolutely silent looking at him as if it was he who had lost his mind*

So maybe my career in comedy is doomed. I'll keep working on it! 

But it is true that we are creating a new zone. We are taking secteurs from 2 other zones to make this one, hence the "Frankenstein" zone! This was a Sunday full of smiles and tears! I truly love this ward! They will always hold a place in my heart! I will miss them all, but I am excited to open up my heart to the souls of Mfilou 2! I will miss Elder Konan, but  I am excited to work with Elder Kadiata! 

This week my testimony of Christ was deepened by reading the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon. One of the reasons the scriptures (especially the Book of Mormon) were written by prophets of God is that they are to help and persuade us to always remember Christ (1 Nephi 19:18). I promise you that if you study the scriptures (most importantly the Book of Mormon) you will have continually increasing faith, hope, and charity. You will feel the delivering and protecting presence of Christ in your life and you will have increased joy as you will know with certitude that Jesus is the Resurrected Christ! 

I love each of you deeply and I testify He loves you perfectly! Have a great week!

Avec amour, Elder Habel











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