Wednesday, May 11, 2022

He is my "why"!




Habitually and similarly to each letter, I hope you are each finding joy in every moment throughout your existence!

This week we were able to work really well with the Lord! I love Elder Kadiata! He is a stud who loves the Lord and His children! He's a great teacher and a great friend! We had lots of amazing lessons with our friends this week and we had lots of fun experiences picking papayas, climbing mountains, and seeing miracles happen! To give a brief explanation there was a ward member; Paul Tchimanga, who had some pretty serious seizures about a week ago that left him like a vegetable in their abandoned Chinese hospital (honestly it was bad when we visited him. Be thankful for 1st world care can get pretty sketchy after that). But after many prayers, blessings, and loving service the last thing I expected to happen...happened: He was before us standing up at church completely normal. As if nothing happened. He testified of God and His miraculous power and love. He said he was saved by Christ according to the faith he put in Him. As I have seen often throughout my life the power and authority of the Priesthood (the infinite power of Christ given to man to act in His name) have truly been restored (such truth that gives many answers to many questions). God is still a God of miracles and always will be according to the faith we put in Him. I know my Savoir lives and by the power of His infinite Atonement done for each child of God, we can be healed, made stronger, and eventually be perfected. 

So yeah, it was a pretty epic week! Thanks to Him like always! He is my "why"!


Never give up! Rely on Him because He will help you. It is not a matter of if or when. I truly have felt His support in my life for behold: Surely He has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows! He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes, we are healed! The Lord hath laid on Him the iniquities of us all! For (our) transgressions was He stricken! He hath poured out His soul unto death! (Voir Mosiah 14, Isaiah 53)

What a marvelous love and example to follow to blessings of eternal glory! 

I love each of you and I'm trying to love you like Him!

Sincerely, Elder Habel

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