Saturday, May 21, 2022

We all wore suits.

Well hello to each and every one of you spectacular people who shine like bright stars in my life! I hope and pray that each and every single one of you is finding joy in doing good things! As always remember who you are (a child of the all-powerful and perfect God) who you are becoming (like Him) and who can help you out to achieve this wonderful eternal destiny (none other than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself our humble older brother)! I sincerely do hope you each are living justice-filled and happy lives!

This week was rather epic:
We had MLC. Brother Lane from Utah came to speak to us!
We had a multi-zone conference. We all wore suits. 
We had a huge baptismal service. Truly the power of the divinity was manifested during this service as we sang our hearts out and as we performed our duties in the eyes of God!
All thickly covered in and sprinkled with the sweet glaze of miracles from our loving Heavenly Father.

The Baptismal Candidates: Brother and Sister Mabika. Since 2015 they have fallen in love with the church of Jesus Christ! They worked super hard and with a lot of faith to finally be married this last march to thus be finally married this last week! 
Sister Rayonne: My companion found her a couple days before I arrived here. She is 16, super smart, funny, popular, and loves the Book of Mormon. Teaching appointments with her were always filled with the Spirit! (Her older sister is going to be baptized on June 4th)!
Sister Jayna: She is 17 years old and she had been "une ami eternelle" ("an eternal friend"). Most of her family are members and now finally she is too!

I am always in awe of how quickly the blessings of eternity can be accessed. I stand all amazed at the love of my Savior Jesus Christ who offers blessings, the effects of the Holy Ghost, and justice to all the poor, the captives, and the oppressed on this planet.  One day I hope to see the effects of the apostasy healed away from this scarred planet. 

I love each and every single one of you! I hope you each can find the true joy which is to be found in Jesus Christ!

Jusqu'au revoir!

Avec amour, Elder Habel





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