Friday, May 6, 2022

"You mean I can have an eternal family?"


Bonjour mboté zenote! 
How are you all doing during this wonderful day?

Well, I hope you each had a quite wonderful week and I hope you each remember that you are dearly loved by many and by God!

This week was epic! The Lord worked miracles! We surpassed all of our goals by the strength of God! We had a zone council which was very unforgettable. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ! His way is the best way!

As for epic experiences, let me tell you the story about Eric. Eric basically looks like a fit Po the Panda (a tank) with surprisingly well-styled hair, a beard, and a mustache. He had been searching to talk with the missionaries for a long time so when he found us under a tree teaching his neighbors (teaching the Gospel of Christ under a shade tree while listening to the bird songs piercing through the silence is honestly the most peaceful setting I have ever experienced up until to this point of my earthly stay) he instantly sat down, introduced himself, grabbed a pen and a paper to take notes, and started learning with us! Talk about a miracle from Heavenly Father! 

But it gets even better. 

He had a lot of questions of the soul for us and the 2nd time we taught him that hadn't changed. We had planned to continue to teach the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When we got there we sat down (once again under another thing of shade, Yes!) and we got started. When he asked the first question, I think he thought he was throwing us a curveball.

"They won't be ready for this!"

"This one will take them for a spin!"

He asks the question. It's a good question. It's about the law of chastity. 

*Elder Kadiata and I look at each other.*

"This one got'em!"

*Elder Habel casually pulls out the law of chastity brochure.*

Brother Eric is dumbfounded. 

(Honestly, we are pretty low on chastity brochures and I never carry a ton on me so it was quite miraculous)

He then exclaimed that "this Gospel is too strong" and then we taught him according to his needs. We taught him the importance of families. The Spirit made that one very clear. Eternal families. Like a pillar of the flaming doctrine of Christ descended upon him. 

"You mean I can have an eternal family?"

"Oh yes, yes you can!" 

We continued to teach by the Spirit, testimonies were shared, tears of love were shed, and the hope of Christ, like a flaming ball of nuclear fusion energy, is growing in his heart. The lesson ends. We are to see each other the next day at church. 

He comes.

The Spirit touches him.

The members love him and he wants to get baptized. 

I love these souls so so much. I love each of you so so much. I testify to you that God lives, Christ lives, He loves us. Take some time to really meditate while you read the scriptures. These are "first-hand accounts between people like us and perfect beings." Reflect upon what an eternal family would mean to you. We all must take the name of Christ upon us. Even our families. 

Have a fantastic existence. Remember you are an eternal being loved by many.  

Avec amour, Elder Habel

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