Saturday, April 30, 2022

Under Construction

This was a good week.

Why you might ask. 

It was a good week because of Him. We accomplished our objectives to lead others unto Him in a caring and loving manner. We avoided the rain and then walked under it. We saw lives change and happiness grow. Justice will be served by Him who is just, perfect, and merciful. 

But that's enough about me! I hope you had a happy and good week full of experiences that will be engraved in your memory forever! 

I've had to chance to teach a couple of English courses. By the divine aid of prayer with Heavenly Father, He helped me teach! We had fun and we learned a lot each time!

I also went with Elder Mayangi to his area! What a powerful missionary to go with to teach in some powerfully peaceful settings! I am very thankful I have had the occasion to meet this lion of a missionary! 

We also had a baptismal service for Sr. Idalvie which was quite miraculous by divine intervention & by the hand of God in answer to our prayers. We called her during the morning and she said the baptism wouldn't be possible because she was feeling grossly sick. Thus we departed a little disappointed but nevertheless motivated by faith in Christ to continue. It was at this moment our first meetings also canceled on us and it seemed like our prayer that Idalvie would be ready to be baptized was starting to infect even our prayers for helping others to come unto Christ! But we held firm. To our faith. In Christ. With patience and hope surpassing that which I thought I had, we returned to the ward building. There they were, ward members still preparing for the baptism. Oof. But then, as we held strong with patience and faith in Christ, a miraculous turn of events took place. Sr. Idalvie's brother decided to give it a second chance, and called and talked to her. In a remarkably simple yet powerfully profound and touching way, she came.

She felt better. 


She was baptized. 

Our prayers were answered! 

So the lesson is to keep praying to Heavenly Father. With patience. With hope. Hope comes from a firm assurance even faith that God keeps His promises. I testify to you He does. He does so perfectly.

I was even able to see the baptism of Sr. Felone, Angelvie et Angelica, and Idelcia! The feeling of peace has stayed at Makelekele. I am profoundly honored by this perseverance. 

As you can tell this week was once again touched by His hands. I know He lives and I cherish this truth. I hope you each find Him, Jesus Christ. I pray you each get to know Him better each day!

He wants to help and He loves you!

Passez une bonne semaine! (Have a good week!)
Avec amour (With love), Elder Habel 




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